Research Posts

Strange Spiders (Under Construction)

This page will include 2 different spiders, both being strange or creepy in all ways.. Introduction to the Brown Recluse Spider The Brown Recluse (Loxosceles Reclusa), or the Violin Spider, is one the most venomous spiders in the world. The Brown Recluse is, in its name, a Recluse Spider. The Brown Recluse specifically has a…

Humboldt Squid

Intro Humboldt Squid (Dosidicus Gigas), Jumbo Flying Squid, or Jumbo Squid is a rather large and predatory squid that lives throughout the Eastern Pacific, living at depths of 660-2,300 ft underwater. Biology The Humboldt Squid possesses a (potentially) rare organ usually only in cephalopods and other invertebrates, such as the octopus, cuttlefish, and other squid…


Echidnas (Tachyglossidae), also known as Spiny Anteaters, are mammals that are currently all critically endangered as of 2022, and a part of the group Monotremes. Connections Echidnas are a member of the group Monotremes, as stated above. Monotremes means that the animal is an egg-laying mammal, and there are only 5 living members of the…

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