
A Bison Latifrons Skeleton.

Bison Latifrons: Bison Latifrons, also known as the Giant or Long-Horned Bison is an extinct species of Bison that lived during the time of the Pleistocene Epoch in North America. It was the largest and heaviest species of Bison to occur in North America, with all Bison Species having 32 teeth.


This massive Bison lived there for about 200,000 years, but went extinct around 20,000 to 30,000 years ago. Although Bison Latifrons’ true size is not completely known, based on Leg Bones, Horns, and Skulls, its estimate size is 25-50% larger than the Modern Bison. Latifrons horns measure as large as 84 inches tip-to-tip. Bison Latifrons is said to evolved in mid-continent North America, and were also a part of the Megafauna during their time, and were also thought to have disappeared around 21,000 to 30,000 years ago. It is possible for Latifrons hair, fur or skin to be preserved, but is really rare for that to happen. An estimate Body Weight of Bison Latifrons is around 1024 kg for Males, and only a tiny bit lighter for Bison Antiquus, another extinct species of Bison that went extinct around 10,000 years ago. Latifrons shoulder height is around 8 feet, and 6.9 for Antiquus, and an estimated Head and Body length for B. Latifrons is around 15 feet, Antiquus being only slightly smaller.


Bison Latifrons went extinct around 20,000 to 30,000 years ago, during the Pleistocene epoch. Its main reason for extinction was the transition from the Pleistocene Epoch to the Holocene Epoch, Holocene being our current Epoch, although it disappeared during the Late Wisconsin Glaciation. Although like many forms of Megafauna that died out, Latifrons had evolved into the smaller Bison Antiquus, which adapted better in the Plains, which then soon evolved into the yet smaller Modern Bison. (Modern Bison isn’t its Scientific Name) The 2 current Bison are the European and American Bison.


Bison Latifrons lived in small family groups, grazing in the Great Plains and the woodlands of North America. Paleontologists estimate that Latifrons preferred living in the warmer climate of modern-day US. Other possible places Bison Latifrons lived are Chilpancingo, Guerrero, and Southern Mexico.


There is only going to be one fact cause there isn’t much known about Latifrons, but if you want to go see a Bison Latifrons Skull, theres one at The Royal Tyrell Museum.

Thanks to Wikipedia for this information.

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